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How to make shoe polish at home

By - - [ Craft and Diy ]


2•Candle wax.
3• groundnut oil or Olive oil (best to use olive oil)
4• Charcoal
5•Spoon (preferably disposable )


This recipe will not be in measurements because some candle wax has a different hardness.

1) Begin by putting your pot on fire and add your oil (pls not your cooking pot. You can improvise with anything that can serve as your pot. Make sure your stove or gas cooker fire is lowered to the lowest)

2)Put enough wax to fill 3/4 of your pot. once u put it inside your hot oil, it melts

3) Now here is the messy part. Grab a good sized chunk of charcoal and place it in a zip lock bag, or a bowl, and pulverize/grind it to dust.

4)Add this charcoal powder to the wax until it is a saturated black. Once it is satured, stop adding the powder.

5) Mix well, and pour into a jar. Place the covered jar in the freezer for 20 minutes or until the wax has solidified. Take out and store away from direct heat or sunlight.

To use, dab some on a rag or shoe brush and buff your black shoes until they shine!

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