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How to make icing sugar at home

By - - [ Craft and Diy ]


Icing sugar also known as powder and confectioner sugar is a must have if you love baking.

If you are running out of this icing sugar or can’t find any to buy, you can make yours in a food processor, powerful blender, standard blender, coffee or spice grinder, or more laboriously, in a mortar and pestle. You can with just two ingredients

How fine and smooth you can get your icing sugar will depend on the efficiency of your equipment. a powerful blender will give a much better outcome than an ordinary one.


1 cup sugar. (Sugar use for beverage)

1tbsp cornstarch/cornflour


1.Combine the granulated sugar and corn starch together into the grinder and blend until you get a fine powder.

2. sieve through a sifter until the sugar is as fine as you want.

3. If you are not planning on using all your icing sugar at once, store it in an airtight container.EASY HOME MADE ICING SUGAR

Icing sugar also known as powder and confectioner sugar is a must have if you love baking.

If you are running out of this icing sugar or can’t find any to buy, you can make yours in a food processor, powerful blender, standard blender, coffee or spice grinder, or more laboriously, in a mortar and pestle. You can with just two ingredients

How fine and smooth you can get your icing sugar will depend on the efficiency of your equipment. a powerful blender will give a much better outcome than an ordinary one.


1 cup sugar. (Sugar use for beverage)

1tbsp cornstarch/cornflour


1.Combine the granulated sugar and corn starch together into the grinder and blend until you get a fine powder.

2. sieve through a sifter until the sugar is as fine as you want.

3. If you are not planning on using all your icing sugar at once, store it in an airtight container.

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