Stats: 5015479 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:11th September 2024,




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•liquid milk (skimmed or full fat will work)
•sugar (2tbsp)

1. Pour milk in a big oven-safe dish. It’s best to keep the milk at shallow levels, to dry out quickly. I tend to keep it at a maximum of an inch.
2. Depending on the size of your oven and/or dish, you can pour the milk into several dishes.
3. Next, place the dishes into your oven at it’s lowest temperature. If it can go as low as 50-60ºC, then that’s ideal. Otherwise, select the lowest temperature that you can, using the fan-assisted option.
4. If you don’t have a fan option then leave the oven door open slightly, to let the evaporating liquid out so the milk dries quicker.
5. As the water evaporates, the milk will become pastier and pastier until finally, it becomes a thick paste. Make sure the milk paste doesn’t turn brown while drying – that’s a sign that the temperature is too high.
6. Stir from time to time – this allows the water to evaporate evenly, especially when the milk starts turning to a paste.
7. Once you get the milk paste, spread it out on a tray or over parchment paper and return to the oven or dehydrator to finish drying the milk.
8. Once the paste is completely dry, you will be able to easily remove it from the tray/baking sheet. At this point, it will be easily snappable, with no bend.
9. Add little sugar and grind the flakes into powder using a blender, then pass the dehydrated milk powder through a fine-mesh sieve. Then grind the bigger pieces again- that way you’ll achieve a very fine powder.
10. Store the powdered milk in an airtight container. Make sure there is no moisture in it at all and keep stored in a cool, dark place. Milk powder can be kept for months, if not years this way.

1. Pour milk in pot and boil. Keep boiling until water is absorbed
2. When all the water is dried completely, take a big plate / tray and spread the dehydrated milk.
3. Allow to cool and wait until crispy this will take 12-13 hours in room temperature and 9-10 hours under sunlight
4. When dried, crush it with hand and then add 2 tbsp of sugar n blend it
5. When blending is done, take a sieve and sieve it well

PLEASE NOTE: When dehydrating using oven or pot, make sure you open alittle to allow it everporate faster?

Source: Alphafoodie

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