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How to Clean Your BURNT POT in 10 minutes and How to clean your SCORCHED STAINLESS kitchen Wares

By - - [ Craft and Diy ]

How to Clean Your BURNT POT OF RICE in 10 minutes!!
I know we all just leave it to soak for long before washing …
you can also quickly wash it off like this
If you want to take it a little step further, you can add some vinegar, baking soda to your boiling liquid… Especially if it’s badly burnt.
This simple method can work for other burnt food too, not only Rice.. Credit to owner.
Happy pot washing… Check pictures below to understand better. Kindly wait for it to load





How to clean your SCORCHED STAINLESS kitchen Wares!
So I performed a little cleaning experiment on my kettle with KETCHUP & BAKING SODA ..I’ve heard too much about the two of them.. I needed to try and confirm for myself
It worked!! Especially the part I rubbed with KETCHUP.. You don’t have to use both at same time, use one at a time, rub on the it, leave for some long hours, infact overnight & wash off till its sparkling clean
If you have some Stubborn Stainless wares, try this stuff.
Credit: Tspices kitchen.
Check pictures below to understand. Wait for pictures to load. It is below


The pictures are ABOVE



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