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DIY Natural hand wash

By - - [ Craft and Diy ]

Get to make your natural hand wash to use(No chemical)

It will leave your hands thoroughly clean and chemical free. Most importantly protect your hands from germs.

The coconut oil has antiseptic properties and essential oil will moisturize your hands keeping it safe.

2 cups boiled water
2 Tbsp unscented liquid Castile Soap
1/2 tsp organic coconut oil
5 drops of geranium essential oil (or lavender)
In a glass bowl: Mix the Castile soap with the coconut oil
Add 3 drops of essential oil

Fill a hand soap dispenser (to about 1 inch to the top) with the boiled water
Gently add the soap mixture
Close the top and shake

Note: This hand soap will last for a long time

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