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How to take care of your breast: Care for the breast

By - - [ Health ]

Today, let’s look into an interesting topic *caring for the breast*
Read through!
A good percentage of the health problems that people face today are due to the practice of taking care of their healths only when they get sick or start having diseases neglecting the saying that *prevention is better than cure*
How would you care for your breasts?
*1. Avoid tight wears or bras.*
This can lead to the weakening of the breast cells and can lead to improper blood circulations within the breast.
A tight bra is any bra that causes reddness or chafing on your breasts when you wear it or that is strongly or hardly fixed to your breasts
*2. Avoid exposing your breasts to sunlight or radiation.*
This can cause breast sagging ( falling of breast).
It’s also a risk factor to cancer.
*3. Avoid moisture around the breast region.*
This can give room for infections and bacteria growths.
Moisture here could be sweat etc.
To avoid excessive moisture, use cotton or clean small cotton towels to clean sweat.
Get a bra that can erect the breast, leaving space for air underneath.
*4. Avoid eating fat*… Animal fat, butter or otherwise is breast enemy especially if you know you are busty or you have heavy duty breast to avoid breast sagging or breast lost of excitement.
*5. Maintain a healthy weight*
*Breast Treatments.*
1. To stop breasts sagging, *use cold compress.* It promotes turgency of the mammary glands, tones the elastic fibres and strength the surrounding skin tissue.
2. For pain relief in fibrocystic(breast lump), use warm compress.
*How to practice this*
Soak a cloth or gauze pad in a warm or cold water regarding as clearly stated above which maybe seawater or salt water ( 9 gram per litre).
Note: for warm compress, let it be lukewarm, 30°c – 40°c and apply for 10-15 minutes. Afterward, dry the breasts and apply a softening cream like sheabutter or coconut oil
This should be done once or twice a day.
Stay healthy!

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