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Home Remedies for Itching in Private Parts

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Home Remedies for Itching in Private Parts*
*Male* and *Female*
Itching in your private parts is an embarrassing topic to discuss, but it’s more common than you think.
While both men and women can experience itching in their private areas at some point in their life, women are more prone to this problem.
Genital areas are the most delicate areas of our bodies.
And itching in the sensitive areas like the vagina and vulva can be very uncomfortable.
It can drive the sufferer insane with the constant urge to itch.
Some common reasons behind this problem include yeast infection, irritants (any sort of chemical, whether acidic or basic, coming in contact with the private parts), bacterial vaginosis, menopause, skin diseases (like eczema and psoriasis), vulvar cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.
Diseases like diabetes, tuberculosis and cancer; infestation of pinworms; and drugs like steroids, antibiotics and anticancer drugs increase the chance for infection in the private parts.
Sometimes itching can be due to poor hygiene or simply an allergy to undergarments made with polyester.
Excessive stress and a weak immune system also might act as a catalyst to this problem.
Apart from itching, there can be other symptoms like vaginal pain, redness, slight bleeding in the area, foul and smelly discharge from the vagina, and painful urination in some cases.
If you are suffering from itching in your private parts, it’s time to take serious action.
There are several effective and simple home remedies to treat itching down there.
1. *Hygiene*
Maintaining proper hygiene is a prerequisite to prevent itching in your private parts.
Proper hygiene will prevent harmful microbes from growing in the sensitive area and causing a yeast or bacterial infection.
Also, good hygiene practices help maintain the proper pH level of the vaginal area .
Take a shower daily, but don’t wash or scrub your private parts excessively, as it results in dry skin that in turn causes more itching.
After a bowel movement, remember to always wipe from front to back.
Change menstrual pads and tampons frequently during periods to prevent itching.
Avoid douching at any cost.
Avoid products that have fragrances added to them, such as toilet paper, bubble bath and laundry detergent.
Avoid using soaps and feminine hygiene sprays to clean your vagina.
The vagina is a self-cleaning organ and water is sufficient to clean it.
2: *Coconut Oil*
Coconut oil is also effective in treating infections in the private parts that can cause intense itching.
It is rich in antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties that help fight the growth of microbes.
Also, coconut oil taken internally helps boost the immune system.
The fatty acid content of coconut oil helps soothe itchy skin and even helps fight vaginal dryness.

*For consumption* :
Consume 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily by adding it to your salad, soup or use it for cooking.
*Additional Tips*
Avoid whirlpool baths, as they help bacteria grow in the vagina all the more.
When suffering from itchiness in your private parts, try sleeping without wearing underwear.
Only wear cotton underwear, as the fabric is light in weight and allows the area to breathe as well.
Avoid thong underwear and nylon or silk underwear.
As much as possible, wear loose clothing to allow more air flow around the infected area and to prevent a buildup of moisture.
Drink an ample amount of water throughout the day to help your body flush toxins out of your system and balance the pH levels in the body.
Don’t be tempted to scratch the affected area, which will only cause more itchiness and redness.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet, and avoid junk food.
Avoid consuming refined carbohydrates and sugar.
Consume lots of fermented foods, such as kefir, probiotic yogurt and miso.
Cut down on smoking and drinking alcohol.
Avoid any triggering allergens that may cause itching in the private parts.
If you face itching while having intercourse, wait a few days to have sex, until the itching calms down.
Maintain good hygiene, always wash your vagina and keep your vagina dry.
After exercising or swimming, take a shower immediately.
Credit to owner.
Source: internet

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