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Everyone need to know this

By - - [ Health ]

This will be helpful for many people in the house. Everyone need to know this, If not for your marriage but for your health and the health of your kids due to its nutrients. Please try and read.



See the
Benefits of tiger nut.
1. Tiger nuts improve digestion
2. Contains a high fibre content that keeps your body in shape
3. Tiger nut milk is a good substitute for cow milk
4. Tiger nuts are a source of magnesium
5. Contains an inexhaustible source of vegetable protein
6. Improves heart health
7. Boosts the immune system and helps to fight infections
8. It increase breast milk
9. Acts as an aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic medicine as men in Nigeria have used tiger nuts for generations to treat erect!le dysfunction, increase $perm count and boost l!bido.

Other benefits
It has high oil content. It is a nutrient with ideal oil composition (high oleic acid, favorable omega-3 fatty acid content, high omega-9 fatty acid content)
They are very beneficial in fighting malnutrition especially in children since they are highly nutritive and as well affordable

How does Tigernuts boosts !nfertility in Men and Women?
Studies have shown that te$tosterone, which is a male $*x hormone increased significantly after the administration of tigernuts. This is as a result of the high content of quercetin, vitamin E and zinc present in the food. An increased testosterone level promotes $exual urge and potency in men. Vitamin E also helps to increase $perm count, $perm motility and $perm quality.

In women, tigernut extracts have been found to increase the production of 0estrogen which is a reproductive h0rmone found in female. This hormone is responsible for the development and regulation of the female $*x characteristics.
Everything is made easy for you and your kid. It’s your tiger nut powder
It can be added to kids/adults pap or tea
It can be added to smoothies
One can blend it with water melon, honey and milk and you are good to go. This works for both spouse.

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