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What you should know about Dark Knuckles

By - - [ Skincare ]

There are many ways you can get rid of dark knuckles.

To get rid of dark knuckles you can use Sugar and olive oil. Yes, this works. If you want to use this method, all you need to do is to  mix sugar and olive oil and rub in circles on your knuckles for 4- 5minutes. After doing that, you can now rinse it with soap and water.

Another way you can get rid of dark knuckles is by using

Lukewarm water and almond oil. If this is the method you prefer then you need to add oil in lukewarm water and soak your hand for 8-10 minutes.

If you love to change your body cream always, it will give you dark knuckles.

Another thing is that,  if you change your body soap all the time, you will have dark knuckles.

You need to also know this:

Stop using hot water to wash or rinse your hands, it will give you bad dark knuckles. Some of you are fond on always pouring hot water on your hand while cooking. Stop pouring hot water on your hand Everytime

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