Stats: 5046608 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:11th January 2025,



See what will happen to you when you use the following for your skin

By - - [ Skincare ]

When you use tomato and sugar, you get a glowing skin naturally.
When you use palm oil and sugar, you get rid of dirts on the face and it reduces sunburn.
If you have an oily skin, wash your face regularly to regulate the amount of oil your face may produce.
If you have the time. Another one is quaker oats, powdered milk(loya preferably), lemon juice and honey. Mix together and rub on your face or skin. If you have a sensitive skin use water instead of lemon juice.
For soft and pink lips, use your brush to brush your lips faintly, use sugar and lemon to scrub it then apply your Vaseline or lip balm.

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