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Palm oil therapy for glowing and clearer skin

By - - [ Skincare ]

Palm oil therapy for glowing and clearer skin:


Get fresh palm fruits.

Pre heat it a little and mash with your hands or mortar to get a smooth paste

Turn everything in a bowl and scrub your whole body with it generously and leave for 15-20mins

Prepare a warm bath and add 2sachets of epsom salt

wash the oil off your body with the salt water using your herbal soap

When you are sure that the oil has been completely washed off your body

Pour cool water on your body to close your pores and pat ur body dry with a towel. Apply your body cream.

This therapy works like magic for skins that have stopped responding to cream and soap . It also softens stubborn skin. It’s one of the best home remedies to remove dead cells from the body.

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