Stats: 507566 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:27th July 2024,




By - - [ Skincare ]


Onion is not just spice for only cooking it’s also rich in antioxidants that helps in fighting bacterial. Smoothening of skin and growing of hair.


1. Get onion bulbs. Depending of quality of the onion past you want.

2. Wash all the onions thoroughly and blend with hand blender, not the same one you use in blending pepper else you won’t live to tell your story.

3. After blending, sieve out the chaff with the help of a sieve.

4. Finally, get a small foam and use it to apply the onion juice(water) evenly on your face. Be carefully so the water doe not get into your eyes.

Leave it for 30mins and wash off afterwards with cool water.

When you are done washing off the onion water, apply a moisturizer on your face.

Trust me if you do this before going to bed, you will wake in the morning with the pimples dried off.

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