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make your own homemade beans flour

By - - [ Food ]

Do you know you can make your own homemade beans flour?

It’s easier to store it and you can always use it anytime for your akara, moi-moi etc without having to wash beans everytime.

If properly dried, it can last for some months.

Measure out the quantity of bean you want to mill and select particles.

Soak the beans in water for about 5mins.

Scrub with your hands by rubbing it together or Pound gently in a mortar.

No need to remove the peels, just drain off the water and dry the beans under the sun for 1- 2days until it is well dried.

When the Bean is dry, you can easily blow out the shaft.

Take the Beans to an industrial machine or if your blender is strong enough to blend it.

Package it in an air tight container or nylon .

I hope this helps someone!

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