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If pepper accidentally enter your eyes, see what to do immediately

By - - [ Food ]

If pepper accidentally enter your eyes, see what to do immediately:

When pepper accidentally jumps into your eyes, lick some salt immediately. it stops the pain.

Other helpful tips:
To make sure your okro/okra does not lose its resilience (to make sure it draws), do not cover the pot when cooking it.

When cooking meat for either home use or an occasion, after washing, turn in the pot you will be using to cook. Add all the ingredients you will want to add i.e seasoning cubes, curry, thyme, garlic e.t.c and mix very well before setting on heat and adding water. This improves the taste of the meat.

Should you over salt your soup, drop in some peeled raw potatoes and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. This helps to absorb the excess salt.

To avoid the smell of an already used frying oil, drop in some fresh ginger while heating the oil and allow to fry for a while to absorb the smell.

Want to prevent your eggs from cracking when boiling, add in a pinch of salt to the water. This prevents it from cracking.

After boiling eggs, drop it immediately into cold water to enable you remove the shells smoothly.

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