Stats: 5042275 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:26th December 2024,



How to take care of your skin and look good for Owambe

By - - [ Skincare ]


This Saturday, we want to plump up our skin and create a smooth canvas for that owambe party.

Get a ripe banana and mash in a bowl, then add two capsules of vitamin e and burst into it and whip well.

Get one egg and break into it and add fifteen drops of lemon juice and fifteen drops of glycerin.

Whisk thoroughly and coat over clean, damp skin.

Leave for thirty minutes.

For added benefit, steam your face while the mask is on.

Wash off and apply moisturizer on damp skin.

This will give you an amazing facelift without the surgery.

Oya na, let’s hit that owambe and tension everyone with our popping skin.
Credit to owner.

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