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How to make Natural Skin Glow Black Soap

By - - [ Skincare ]

Natural Skin Glow Black Soap

2 tablespoons of turmeric powder
2 tablespoons of powdered milk
2 tablespoons of shea butter
2 tablespoons of powdered oatmeal
5 tablespoons of powdered orange peel
4 tablespoons of raw honey
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 tablespoon of powdered sandalwood
½ tablespoons of sulfur (powdered)
50ml of fresh lemon juice
500g of African black soap (factory-made)
Lukewarm rice water

Place the rice water into the mortar (use only newly bought one to avoid contaminating the soap )and add the black soap. Start pounding the soap with the water thoroughly. When the soap is mashed into a more or less even mass, start adding the powdered turmeric, orange peel, sulfur, sandalwood, and milk. When added, pound everything very carefully and thoroughly. Now, melt the shea butter and when it’s completely liquid, pour it into the mortar to other ingredients.
After this, add the lemon juice and whatever else remains and stir the mixture so that it’s completely smooth and even. When done, check whether the mixture is too thick and, if needed, add some rice water. Then, pour the mixture into the container and leave to get solid.
The black soap made with this recipe is able to remove blemishes, add your skin a healthy youthful glow, and even slightly glows your skin.

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