Stats: 5046382 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:10th January 2025,




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Regular rice (not parboiled) 1/2 cup
Roasted groundnuts 2 cups
Tamarind concentrate 2 tbsps
Water 5.5 cups
Kunnu Gyada is a drink which originates from the northern part of Nigeria. It is made from rice and groundnuts and has a slightly sweet and sour taste given by the added tamarind and however much sugar you add to sweeten it. There are many types of kunnu depending on the ingredients. Another popular drink is kunnu aya which is made from tiger nuts. Gyada translates to peanuts and aya is tigernuts; you get the naming convention.

Soak the white rice with 2 cups of water for about 4 hours or longer.
Next, soak the roasted groundnuts with 3 cups for 3 hours or longer. You can soak this at the same time as the rice.

Mix the tamarind concentrate with 1/2 cup of water.

Making the Kunnu gyada
Blend the soaked rice with the water that it’s soaked in and set aside.

Blend the soaked groundnut with the water you soaked it with and set aside.

Note: If you’d like to use just the milk from the groundnuts for a more watery recipe, you can get a cheesecloth to strain the blended groundnuts. Just use the strained milk instead of the whole blend further on. I prefer the kunnu thick and don’t strain for this recipe though.
Start by cooking the blended rice for a few minutes; about 5-10 minutes whilst stirring continuously.
Once the rice blend starts to cook, you can add in the blended groundnuts.
Again, let it cook while stirring. Once it starts to come to a boil, add in the tamarind and take off the stove. If you don’t have tamarind, you can replace with lemon juice.
And that’s it. After it cools down, add in sugar to taste.

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