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How to make general body scrub

By - - [ Skincare ]

How to make general body scrub

Exfoliating is very important to the skin.
We all want smooth soft skin, some people want a toning or glowing skin, others want a whitening skin, some want a lightening skin.

*Do you know your skin are in layers?*
Your body is covered in a layer of dead skin cells. The Soap or lotion that you put on your skin has to work its way through layers of dead skin cells just to reach the top layer before it can work and deliver results.

*No matter how much Soap or body lotion you put on the dead skin cells, they still remain dead skin cells.*

Body scrub or exfoliant or body polish removes dead skin cell so that what ever soap or cream you apply on your body will work for you.

If you don’t scrub or exfoliate at least *TWICE IN A WEEK* what ever you use won’t work on you.

that’s why you see people complaining about using different skincare product not working on them…

**Five spoon of rice flour
**Five spoon of sugar
** Five spoon of ho heney
**Five spoon of powdered milk
** Two spoon of baking powder
**Half spoon of turmeric powder
**One lemon orange

In a bowel, mix all of the listed ingredients, squeeze in all the juice in the lemon orange, mix properly and scrub the entire body for UpTo 30 minutes, do this at least once a week so ur cream can work..

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