Stats: 5057067 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:16th March 2025,




By - - [ Food ]

You know your business presentation is the number one factor for fast sales, so let’s get to class now
I always advice to start in small quantity and increase your production as your customers increases, so let’s take this for a start
2kilos of flour
2 sachets of butter
half tray egg
2tins of milk
2 cups of sugar
1 tablepoon of baking powder
1tablespoon of baking soda
1tablespoon of Vanilla flavor
1tbsp of nutmeg
Small size cupcake cases with different shapes
Place your cupcake cases inside a tray
Sieve your flour
Cream the butter and sugar inside a bowl until it’s very light and fluffy (sugar has to desolve completely)
Break your eggs into it and whisk all together until its smooth and has a fine consistency
Add your floor using a cup, put two cups first and mix very well with your hands or wooden spoon
Pour your milk inside the mixture and mix adding the remaining flour
Add nutmeg, baking powder baking soda and small salt to the mixture and finally mix all together
The end result should be a soft mixture with no nodes inside
Rub small butter inside all your cupcake cases
Use a tablespoon and put 2tablespoon in each case, until you fill all the cases.
If you have few cases, then cover the remaining mixture and bake the first batch, then refill again and bake until the mixture is finish
Bake for 15 – 20mins, you can place a toothpick at the middle of one cake to help you test if the cake is ready or not.
When you have bake for 18mins, try to remove the toothpick slowly if it sticks, it means it’s not yet ready, allow for some time again but when the toothpick comes out neatly and easily it means your cake is ready.
Remove the cakes from the case and bake another batch
You can bake using either oven, stove or firewood. If you are using oven, use the second shelf.
Place your cakes inside transperent bucket, advertise around your neighborhood and you will have commands from people for their family breakfast.
Go to shops, restaurants and cybers and place some there and come collect your empty buckets and money in the evening.
Register in Secondary schools and sell with yogurt
Start doing something with your hands and God will bless it and you will grow for he promises us in his word that he will bless the works of our hands and his promises never fail and he never disappoints those who call upon his name.
So always pray upon your business. Source: Internet.

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