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How to make carrot oil at home

By - - [ Skincare ]

Very easy tutorial:

You need:
*Veggie peeler
*Hand grater or food processor
*Crock pot
*Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth
*Glass mason jar

*2-4 organically or home grown carrots
*olive, coconut, or sesame oil, to cover

STEP 1. Slice your carrots into sizeable form
STEP 2. Spread on a large tray and cover with a mesh cloth to prevent it from insects
STEP 3. Keep in the sun so the moisture in the carrot could dry off. This should be done within 24 to 48 hours
STEP 4. Remove from the sun and pack the dried carrot in a mason jar
STEP 5. Pour enough oil to cover the dried carrot and allow to infuse in a warm, dark place until the oil become orange in color, then is ready for use.

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