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How 10 naira sugar can make you glow:

By - - [ Skincare ]

When it comes to skin care products, Sugar has done and is still doing wonders. sugar! 10 naira own sef and you’ll be glowing and people will be asking what cream you’re using.

Yes. This works ?
Just get sugar, add few drops of water till it forms a thick undissolved paste and rub it on your face/body, leave for few minutes.

Now, get a wearable hand sponge or wear ur sponge in your hand, rub little soap on the sponge and scrub your face and nose in circular motion both clockwise and anticlockwise.

The next step is to Rinse with lukewarm water. To get better results do it at night, twice in a week at least.

Now, If you have oily skin, after rinsing the sugar, rub your face with egg white (raw egg minus yolk) let it sit for like 5minutes then rinse with lukewarm water , then cool water.

You need to know that Sugar helps maintain your skin tone too.

Exfoliate your body with sugar at least once in 2weeks for clear and even skin tone.

Important: don’t use too sharp sugars (you can grind your sugar with bottle before using it)

You can use any sugar (white/brown) .

For dark spot/armpit removal, replace drops of water with drops of lime/lemon juice

Don’t use hard sponge please.

Don’t scrub too hard, motion is more important than friction here.

And don’t use iron sponge.

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