Stats: 5046340 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:10th January 2025,




By - - [ Food ]

Homemade Yogurt
For the Starter:

Milk – 1/4 cup
White Vinegar – 1/8 tsp
Salt – 1 pinch

For the Curd / Yogurt:
Whole Milk – 2 cups
Starter – 3 to 4 tbsp
Heat 1/4 cup milk in a bowl. Or Microwave at high for 10 secs.
Add vinegar, salt and mix well. Close with lid and let it be for 8 to 10 hours. This is our culture. We must let it rest because the culture needs to turn slightly sour and pungent as that helps the yogurt to be more flavorful else your yogurt will smell and taste like spoilt milk.
Place the starter in a bowl in which you are going to set curd and swirl the bowl. Let the starter coat the inside of the bowl well, all around.
Pour the milk into the bowl. No need to stir/mix. Close with a lid and let it rest for 5-7 hours.
Homemade fresh and thick yogurt is ready to be used as you wish. Reserve a little yogurt before using to make another fresh batch for the next day.
Always store the set yogurt refrigerated and use it within a week. Remember to reserve a little yogurt at last to make another fresh batch.

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