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FOOT BATH that will expel the toxins from your body

By - - [ Skincare ]

Here is simple detoxification remedy that won’t take your time

FOOT BATH that will not only expel the toxins from your body but will relax you, get rid of the unpleasant odor of the feet after a long day in shoes and totally destroy bad bacteria and fungi in the body.

Ingredient for Foot Bath Detox?

1. A foot basin filled with a warm water
2. A teaspoon of lemon juice/sliced lemon
3. A teaspoon of Epsom salt/Baking Soda(Whichever is available)
4. 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
5. One or two Scent (Nchionwu, Efirrin) leaves or even Mint
6. Foot scrub
7. Foot moisturiser if you have or use your body cream.

How to prepare?

Put all the aforementioned items (2-5) into the bowl of warm water.

Ensure that the water is not lukewarm neither should it be too hot that it burns the skin.

Soak your foot in the foot bath for 15 minutes.

Scrub the foot a bit with the foot scrub and then towel dry.
Apply your moisturiser and go to sleep jejely.

Do this as often as you can.

At least once every two weeks.

It will not only relax your body and mind but it Lowers stress and does the job of a complete detox at the same time.
Credit to owner.

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