Stats: 5042445 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:27th December 2024,



Do you want to have a beautiful skin?

By - - [ Skincare ]

Do you want to have a baby face or a beautiful skin?
Are are suffering from pimples,acne,hyperpigmentation,wrinkles or Sallow skin.

Does your face look older that your age?

Then let me hear you heave a sigh of relief.

do this:


I tablespoon of coconut oil
I tablespoon of honey
Squeeze half ripe tomato
Half spoon of sugar granules


Mix all the ingredients together.

Use cotton or hand to dab it on face gently in a CIRCULAR MOTION.

Wait for 10 minutes and wash with water and mild soap.

Do this for 7 consecutive days in the evenings, take a break and then do it three or two times a week until desired results is achieved.

Note: Change the pomade you are using it could be causing you the problem.

Those with pimples must not add the coconut oil.

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