Stats: 5046697 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:11th January 2025,



CUCUMBER- LEMON ICE CUBES This is very beneficial for lightening your dark spots, sun tan and skin stains.

By - - [ Skincare ]

This is very beneficial for lightening your dark spots, sun tan and skin stains.
1 cucumber ( medium sized)
A squeeze of lemon juice
And some water
All you need to do is combine cucumber and lemon juice in the food processor. When a nice paste develop add water to this mixture and pour into ice cube tray. Once frozen, it is ready to use.
Gently massage on your face in circular motion and let it sit for 10 minutes.
U can use it not only on your face but on your body too.
This is for all skin types but if you have super dry skin you can add honey in it!
Use Cucumber-lemon ice cubes on your face except eyes because if somehow lemon goes into your eyes, It may cause burning, stinging, redness and irritation
Cucumbers are naturally cooling and moisturise the skin while lemon is great to treat a tan. Both the ingredients are loaded with antioxidants.
ADVICE: If you’re feeling thirsty you can put 1-2 ice cubes in your glass of water and enjoy your drink

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