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CAUSES OF STRETCH MARKS AND SOLUTION: Why am I having stretch marks?

By - - [ Skincare ]

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stretch marks are depressed lines or bands of thin reddened skin which later become white, smooth, and shiny. These occur on the stomach during pregnancy, and on the breasts after lactation. They are common in those who have suddenly gained weight or muscle mass (bodybuilders and weight lifters). They occur on thighs, buttocks, and other parts of the body.


1.) Pregnancy

Most women develop stretch marks during pregnancy as the fibers in the skin become soft and stretch, making room for the developing baby. As the baby grows, stretch marks appear on the tummy, thighs and breasts due to the continual tugging and stretching.

2.) Puberty

During puberty, youngsters experience a sudden growth spurt and might rapidly gain or lose weight. This sudden stretching and contracting of the skin lead to stretch marks on hips, thighs and breasts.

3.) Weight gain

Stretch marks occur due to weight gain in a short period of time as the skin stretches suddenly. Similarly, they also appear if you are on a diet, due to the fluctuating weight. It is therefore advisable to lose weight gradually so that the skin is not strained.

4.) Corticosteroids

Corticosteroid creams, lotions and pills used to treat certain skin diseases can also cause stretch marks as they bring down the collagen levels in your body.stay away from creams or lotions with corticosteroids


1. Argan oil

Argan oil to treat stretch marks

Vitamin E enriched Argan oil increases the elasticity of the skin and rubbing it on the stretch marks might heal the broken tissues gradually making the marks fade.

2. Lemon juice
Lemon juice to treat stretch marks

Lemon juice is known for its natural bleaching properties, so it helps reduce the visibility effectively. Use fresh lemon juice daily or simply rub a sliced lemon wedge on your marks to see results.

3. Egg white
Egg whites to treat stretch marks

High in proteins and amino acids, egg white is a superfood for the skin. When applied on stretch marks, the egg white will help lighten the marks while also tightening the skin.

Stay Beautiful

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