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beauty secrets I came across and have been using

By - - [ Skincare ]

Today we’ll be looking at one of those beauty secrets I came across and have been using. I can attest to it that with consistency it works!

Fermented Rice water for skin tone. Now when we say skin tone, we do not mean bleaching oo.. It is just the ability of your skin to attain uniformity (face to legs), whatever skin type you are.

Fermented rice water is a very old beauty, it is known to strengthen hair as a hair rinse, and to moisturize, even skin tone, and smooth skin!

What do I need?
1. Uncooked white rice
2. Water
3. Clean Spray or Spritzer

Step 1. Clean the rice two times by swirling it in some water for 20 seconds each time. Drain out the milky(starchy) water and discard for each rinse.

Step 2. Put fresh clean water back in the rice and swirl lightly. Allow to sit in the rice for atleast one hour.

Step 3. Drain just the water into your spritzer or spray container.

The toner is now ready for use!

How do I use it?
I spray and pat this directly on my freshly-washed face 2 times a day, once in the morning and another time at night.

You can then use whatever cream/lotion you usually use on your face.

Note that once the rice water gets milky after some days use, discard it and do a fresh one.

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