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A powerful method that burns abdominal fat

By - - [ Skincare ]

A powerful method that burns abdominal fat.
Pineapples and cucumber provides great benefits for losing weight and make the ideal combination that will make you lose body fat in just 3 days.

(1) Two slides of pineapple
(2) Half cucumber
(3) Two tablespoons of honey (optional)
(4) A cup of water

(1) Remove the pineapple skin an cut into smaller sizes for easy blending.
(2) Cut cucumber into smaller sizes.
(3) Put the ingredients in a blender.
(4) Now add your cup of water and blend very well
(5) Pour in a cup and enjoy .

Drink every morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast
Take it for a week and after completing this period, you should take a break for a week, then resume consumption only two times a week.

WARNING ⚠ : People who have kidney stones, bladder disorders or ulcer and nursing mothers should not take this remedy.

This juice will definitely do wonders for you. It will help you keep the balance of minerals in your body.

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