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See what happens when you use Banana Peels on Your Skin:

By - - [ Skincare ]

Banana Peels on Your Skin:
Once we eat a banana, most of us end up throwing the peels.
Stop throwing it away! See how to use it to fade scars.

They help reduce the appearance of scars.
Banana peels have the ability to drastically reduce skin irritation such as swelling, redness, and scarring. They also contain esterified fatty acids which have actually been isolated and incorporated into various lotions that diminish the visibility of scars.

Take the banana peel and apply it to the affected area.
Leave for one hour or overnight.
Repeat daily.

Other benefits:

They help reduce wrinkles.
The banana peel helps to keep your skin hydrated. Add an egg yolk to a mashed banana peel.

Apply this mixture on your face and leave it for 5 minutes. Wash off after 5minutes.

They can polish your silver and leather shoes/bags:
When your silver begins to lose its luster or it begins to tarnish, try using a banana peel. The inside of a banana peel contains substances such as potassium that help clean metal and leather objects.

Whiten your teeth:
Don’t worry — you don’t have to chew on a banana peel to achieve this benefit.

To whiten your teeth, simply rub them with the inner part of the peel on a regular daily basis for two weeks.
You’ll be able to see positive results after a few treatments.

They help treat migraines and headaches:
If you are looking for a natural way to treat your migraine, look no further than your fruit basket. A banana peel across the forehead and across the back of the neck can help relieve headaches! This is due to the potassium in the peel.

Put the banana peel in the freezer for an hour. Apply one line of peel to your forehead and one to the back of your neck.

Leave it on until it becomes warm.
Repeat if you still have a headache with additional cold peels.

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