☝?.SUGAR: Rubbing a sugar scrub on the skin will exfoliate the area. To do this:
Mix one cup sugar with 1/4 cup of a softening agent, like almond oil or coconut oil, before mixing to the consistency of wet beach sand.
Add some lemon juice.
Scrub the mixture on the part of your body where the stretch marks are.
Repeat several times a week while in the shower, making sure to rub the mixture on for 8-10 minutes.
✌?. Aloe Vera :While little clinical evidence exists for aloe vera as a stretch mark cure, pure aloe vera is both a natural healing agent and a skin softener. This makes it an ideal home remedy to try for stretch marks.
Apply pure aloe vera from a plant to your stretch marks daily after your shower.
✌?☝?Vitamin A
Vitamin A is referred to as a retinoid. Retinoids make skin appear smoother and more youthful. They’re used in many over-the-counter topical cosmetic creams.
Simply using a topical extract of vitamin A, or taking vitamin A orally, can contribute to your skin’s health and overall appearance. A diet rich in certain foods, such as carrots and sweet potatoes, might also help you increase your vitamin A levels.
✌?✌? Coconut oil
Since stretch marks are scarring from skin damage, coconut oil might help heal the appearance quickly.
Coconut oil has been studiedTrusted Source for its healing properties and was found in rats to reduce the time it takes for skin wounds to heal.
Applying virgin coconut oil to your stretch marks each day might take away some of their red appearance. Unless you’re allergic to coconuts, this oil is considered safe.