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OKPA RECIPE (BAMBARA NUT CAKE) Okpa powder (Bambara nut flour)

By - - [ Food ]

Okpa powder (Bambara nut flour)
Palm oil
Warm water( hot enough for your hand to handle)
A bowl for mixing
Scent leaves(optional)
Put the powdered okpa in a bowl, add all ingredients listed excluding warm water …. add a reasonable amount of oil then mix with ur hand until well mixed.
Add a cup of warm water( remember it’s warm water) to the mixture and mix together with ur hand while making sure there are no lumps (you’ll notice that the mixture will become drawy, it’s totally normal just make sure you use your palm to remove all the lumps)
Gradually add warm water and mix with ur hand until u arrive at a not too thick or watery mixture ( just like ur pap)while making sure there are no lumps
You must have put half pot of water on heat while preparing the mixture. If using nylon remember to leave little or no space and tie tighy…after that put them inside the boiling water in the pot… allow it to boil for about 30-45 mins depending on the quantity of okpa.
The okpa is ready….feel free to ask questions
you can get it in local stores that sell corn flour. Or you can still get the nuts and grind it in the market too.

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