Stats: 5035973 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:3rd December 2024,



BENEFITS OF PALM OIL ON SKIN…you will love the result

By - - [ Skincare ]

Palm Oil restores hydration to dry skin
lt prevent dryness by sealing in moisture.
Very very good for sensitive skin
Clears eczema
Clears stretch marks
Wrinkles (anti aging)
palm oil is also a good skin moisturizer
promotes smoother and neat skin
Now if your skin is this dry, use red oil,spa salt and honey to exfoliate your skin, u can exclude honey then after you wash it off you can use either palm oil as moisturizer or use glycerin mixed with vitamin e oil.
For face remedy, either pimples or sunburn etc
Palm oil,lemon, sugar and honey ( pimple)
Palm oil and honey ( sunburn)
Tested and trusted

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