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Stats: 502523 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:8th May 2024,




By - - [ Skincare ]


Lemon zest soap is a very simple soap hack with great benefits. It helps fight acne and pigmentation and also help in anti aging.

Lemon peels as it is used in this soap is good for treating spots caused by injuries on the body or pimples on the face. So constant use of it works wonders. Unlike every other soap, this home made soap is gentle on the skin and good for all skin types. It gets rid of impurities and excess oil without over drying the skin.

1. Lemon zest(peels)
2. Lemon essence oil ( lemon fragrance)
3. Soap glycerine ( one without any colour or fragrance)
4. Yellow food colouring (optional)

1. Cut your soap glycerin into small squares and then melt.
2. Pour the melted stuff into a bowl, add the lemon zest, fragrance and food colouring then mix properly.
3. Pour the mixture into small containers where u can easily pull them out, preferably like in the pictures below.
4. Leave for 1-3hrs for it to cake properly.

?Your soap is ready to use.

NOTE: The more fragrance you put in, the stronger the smell???
?You can use any flavour of your choice too, and u can also use orange peels or lime peels??

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