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1. Marriage is a JOURNEY and not a COMPETITION. Don’t marry to show off or prove a point but marry to fulfill purpose.
2. Marry for LOVE and not for pity. Don’t marry because he/she has helped you or your family a lot and you don’t want to disappoint him/her. If you don’t love or happy being with him/her,please,don’t marry.
3. Singleness is not a curse but a phase. Therefore,don’t marry out of pressure. Don’t marry because all your mates are married and you’re the only single remaining. Life is a journey and it’s turn by turn. Wait for your turn and you will be happy.
4. Don’t be in a hurry to say, yes I do. Take your time, fall in love, study the person you want to say yes to and make the right choice.
5. Seek the face of God in prayers and be sure of him/her before you say I do. Please, don’t marry blindly. Beauty indeed is vain and favour indeed is deceitful but a woman/man that fears the Lord,she/he shall be praised. God is a good God and a righteous father,therefore,he cannot give you and me something bad or evil.
6. Prepare for marriage and not wedding. Marriage is for a lifetime but wedding is for a day. Make sure you attend marriage seminars,counseling,meetings about marriages. Read books,including your bible, for that is the biggest of all books about marriage.
7. Add value to yourself and be the best that you can. Learn trade,read books and even study too to show thyself approved unto God and man,a workman/woman that needed not be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth, 2Timothy 2:15.
8. Work on your character/attitude and be yourself. Attitude is 100% in life and you cannot succeed in marriage without a good attitude. There are a lot of problems that money,fame,wealth,connections will not solve but character does. Even in marriage,there will be a time that beauty,love, money alone will not help but character will.
9. Be in God and remain in him. Remember,Adam was in Eden before Eve arrived.
God bless us!
Credit to owner.

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