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Onion Juice for Hair Fall

By - - [ Hair ]

Onion Juice for Hair Fall.

yes it is true onions juice can be used to treat hair fall and hair loss issues. in Fact many hair tonics for hair loss and hair fall make a use of onions juice and it is clinically proven to work for hair loss. it kind of works as a stimulant in promoting new hair, increases blood circulation and is also an antiseptic and keep scalp cleansed.


Grate or blend 1( One) large onions n filter it to get the juice out of it. Apply the juice all over the scalp and keep it for an hour. Onion has a very strong , pungent odor so if you bear with it good else mix some rose water in it . Wash off after an hour with a shampoo. This pack can be used twice a week depending upon the severity of hair fall.

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