Stats: 5046061 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:9th January 2025,




By - - [ Hair ]

Also known as dongoyaro leaves. You can try this over the weekend. This is one of the recipes that is used by the indians

1. Get a bunch of fresh neem leaves.
2. Wash it clean.
3. Place in a blender and grind to paste.
4. Pour the paste in your frying pan or pot
5. Pour your carrier oil (Olive, coconut, carrot, ginger, or any oil you have)
6. Fry on very low heat for like 20 – 30 mins or you use double boiler method for 1hr. The oil color changes to green
7. Bring down and allow it to cool
8. Sieve your oil and pour into your bottle.

Your hair growth oil is ready


Massage oil into the scalp

Keep on hair for two hours at least or overnight before washing off with a mild shampoo .

This can be done three times a week.

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