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By - - [ Relationship and love ]

1. If you love me, let your actions to me be loving
2. If you love me, tell me. Actions are not enough
3. If you love me, make time for me. Whoever you love, you allocate time to
4. If you love me, try your best not to hurt me. And if you do hurt me be quick to apologize and change, don’t make me beg for your apology
5. If you love me, listen to me, understand me. Don’t judge me
6. If you love me, commit to me. Be my partner, marry me, secure a future with me
7. If you love me, make us exclusive. Don’t claim I have your heart yet I share your heart with another. It is all or nothing
8. If you love me, protect me. Show me that I can trust you with me
9. If you love me, make it public. Love doesn’t happen in secret corners but in broad daylight
10. If you love me, forgive me when I wrong you. Don’t keep a record of my wrongs
11. If you love me, trust me with yourself, tell me when you need help. Allow me to be there for you, make use of my love
12. If you love me, defend me when I get attacked, when my name gets thrown in the mud. Look out for me
13. If you love me, let me see God in you, don’t lead me away from God but lead me closer to God. God is love
14. If you love me, correct me, make me better. Gently confront me when I do wrong. Challenge me
15. If you love me, believe in me, be my number one fan. Know my dreams and help me to pursue them
16. If you love me, don’t give up on me. I am not perfect. If I lose my way, come looking for me, be responsible for me
17. If you love me, involve me in your decisions. Let me be a part of the future you claim you and I have
18. If you love me, show me who you are. Remove your veil so that I know who you really are, so that I get to love you too
19. If you love me, love my child/children too incase I am a single parent. It is not love if you are good to me but mean to my child/children
20. If you love me, honour my parents. If you love the me I am today you will respect those who raised me
21. If you love me, don’t beat me, insult me or abuse me. Those are manifestations of hate
22. If you love me, ask for my advise and opinion. Make me a partner in your life
23. If you love me, be faithful to me
It is easy to say “I love you”, many are so quick to say it. But true love manifesfs though these ways
Source: internet

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