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How to produce Balm for pain relief

By - - [ General ]

Balm can be used as a cure for aches and strains, tension headaches, cold and congestion, back pain, Neck and shoulder tension, and joint pain.

Materials needed

Paraffin oil½ kg as lubricant.

Petroleum gel¼ kg as s kin treatment.

Beeswax thumb size.

Industrial camphor ½ tbs or 2 balls it treats infection, relieves pain and body itching.

Peppermint 2 tbs (spoons) it aids in relief.

Eucalyptus salt 2 -3 tbs antimicrobial cold reliever.

Menthol 4 -6 tbs it cleanses the lungs.


Put an empty dry metal pot on heat.

Pour in the petroleum gel and allow to melt.

Pour in the paraffin oil and stir.

Pour in the beeswax allow to melt and then stir.

Reduce the heat intensity and then add menthol and also stir.

Add eucalyptus salt and stir.

Bring it down allow to cool for a bit.

Use or Package for sale.
Credit to owner.

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