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Required Chemicals and Formulation

Sulphonic acid: This is a dark brown highly viscous liquid. It functions to neutralize the caustic soda solution and consequently create a room for perfume absorption.

Caustic Soda: It is also called sodium hydroxide. it exists as solid pearls. It has a very high solubility in water, dissolving to give basic solution. It functions to promote the absorption of perfume by the mixture since the perfume is of oil base.

Formalin: This is a harsh-smelling liquid. It is the disinfectant in the formulation. Germs, bacteria etc. are eliminated by this chemical. Formalin should be treated with care as it is very harmful to the skin.

Colorant: This gives color to the formulation. It should be noted that just a small amount of colorant is needed.

Perfume: Perfume aromatizes the mix and confers pleasant smell on the product.


Caustic soda pearls ——– 1 spoon
Soda Ash ——————- 3 spoons
Sulphonic acid ————– ½ cup
Formalin ——————– 1 teaspoon
Water ———————– 4 liters
Perfume ——————– to taste


Solvent Water ————– 100%
Emulsifier Sodium laurel — 0.5%
Preservative Boric acid —–1%
Extender Propylene glycol –10%
Attractiveness any desired colour desired quantity
Scent any desired ———- 5%
Colorant ——————– to taste

Method of Making Air Freshener

Wash and drain mixer. Clean also your filter with soap and rid it of dirt.
Measure the specified quantity of water into the mixer and follow it with the specified caustic soda pearls. Stir gradually to dissolve the pearls. At this stage the solution is expected to generate some heat. Then measure sulphonic acid into the mixer and increase your stirring rate.

Stir till it mixes completely with the caustic soda solution. Now check the PH paper correct if necessary, to ensure the acid is neutralized. The PH must lie between 7 and 8.
Then add formalin and colorant. Stir well to mix properly and finally add your perfume.

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