Stats: 5057171 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:17th March 2025,



How someone made 300,000 naira selling ice block

By - - [ Business ]

On my way entering my estate this morning, I saw a highlander Jeep supplying people ice blocks.

So I started calculating in my head, a block is sold between 200 to 250 naira here so if he supplies 50 iced blocks in a day at the rate of 200, he is going to be making 10,000 naira per day.

Multiply 10,000 naira by 10 days, that is 100,000 naira and multiply 10,000 by 30 days that is 300,000 naira.

So it means he makes 300,000 in 30 days,so let us assume, 150,000 naira are for expenses for the materials like nylon, electricity bill for the month, fueling of car, generator and servicing, he will still have like 150,000 naira left as profit.

The summary of my post is if you have a deep freezer that is just lying there with no serious use, you can start making money out of it before you gather money to buy a block making machine.

This is 2021, no time for an excuse.

Start with what you have! Source: Internet.

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