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Hair treatment: How to get rid of dandruff, itching, hair Breakage and many hair problems

By - - [ Hair ]

Ginger for hair treatment, it eliminate dandruff,stop hair itching, reduce hair breakage and many more
Ginger 2
Olive oil 1tsp
Onions 1(optional)
Get your ginger, remove the back ,wash and cut into small parts or use ur grater to grate it
After that pour in your blender add little water and blend it or use coconut oil to blend it ( you can add onions to it and blend it together)
Sieve and extract your juice pour in spray bottle add your oil
And shake it
Apply this mixture on your hair starting from scalp ,use your hand to massage your hair very well
After that leave it overnight and wash out with water ,dry with your towel and apply your hair cream
Ginger helps to stop dandruff, itching and also enhance hair growth.

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