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Eliminate Pimples In 4 days With This Simple Remedy Pimples (Acne)

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Eliminate Pimples In 4 days With This Simple Remedy
Pimples (Acne)
A pimple is an extremely common disorder of the skin that affects virtually all individuals at least once during their life. The incidence of acne peaks during the teens, but a substantial number of men and women between the ages of 20 and 30 are also affected by this disorder.
Key causes of pimples are:
Hormonal imbalance during puberty
Improper diet and food intake
Improper skin care
Low water intake
Use of oily cosmetics or creams
Sedentary habits
Symptoms of Pimples
Some of the most common symptoms associated with the eruption of pimples are:
Inflammation of surrounding areas
Redness around the prostrusion
Pus filled eruptions
Tiny cysts
Remedies for Pimples
There are a wide variety of tried and tested home remedies that can treat pimples in an effective manner. They can also be used for pimple on the back. They are:
The inner part of the fresh rind (skin) of an orange is applied to the face or any other part of the body where the acne appears. This is excellent remedy for acne. Keep it on the acne until you feel a tingling sensation and then you may wash it off. Repeat this process 3-4 times a day.
Pimples can disappear without scars by rubbing garlic on pimples several times a day.
Apply grated cucumber over the face for 15 minutes then wash with water.
This helps prevent pimples, blackheads and dryness of the face.
This can also be used as a preventive measure to kee your skin free of pimples.
The consumption of 1-2 raw carrots every day will help in getting rid of acne.
The consumption of at least 3-5 servings will help control acne.

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