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Diy Hair Growth Mask

By - - [ Hair ]

Hair Growth Mask

Method 1: Fenugreek Mask

Take 3tbsp of fenugreek powder with 2tbsp of aloe vera gel( mix aloe vera gel with 2tbsp of water). Mix them all together. Now part your hair into sections and apply the mask to your hair and scalp. Leave it for 2hrs and wash it off. If your body is cold then leave the mask for 1hr.

Method 2: Castor oil Mask

Take 5tbsp of castor oil with 2tbsp of coconut oil( take the oil needed for your hair). Mix it well and apply the mask to your hair and scalp. Leave it for 2hrs and wash it off. If your body is cold then leave the mask for 1hr.

Method 3: Hibiscus Mask

Take 3tbsp of hibiscus powder( available in supermarket or online) with 2-3 tbsp of rice water. Mix it well and apply the mask to your hair and scalp. Leave it for 2hrs and wash it off.

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