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Benefits of charcoal

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Benefits of charcoal

Charcoal is a disregard substance that we have in our home.
We only see the need when we want to use it to catch out fire.
Charcoal has some many healthy benefits. Which we will be looking into.

?Preventing odour
Get a large quantity of charcoal and smear all over your body to prevent body odour and place some in your shoes if you shoes stinks

?Teeth whitening
Use grounded charcoal to scrub your teeth and rinse off.

?Healing wounds
Get grounded charcoal and place in the surface of your wounds.

Make it a habit to chew charcoal to prevent ulcer.

?Skin cleaning
Use charcoal to make a face masks and the body. It clears pimples, acne and blackheads.

?How to mix for skin use

Pound and mix with water or honey, Apply on affected area..

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