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Amazing benefits of Okro for skin and to reduce belly fat

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Are You Having A Big Belly? See How You Can Make Use Of Okro To Reduce It.

This article will tell us how we can take care of your big belly With the use of Okro and water.

Though the process will take some days to get it done but nevertheless it is the way or methods to reduce the belly. How it’s been done will be discussed one after the other.

Materials Used.

1. Fresh Raw Okro.

2. Water.

How To Prepare.
1. Take the fresh Okro and soak inside the water for three days.

2. Take the water from the Okro and filter it will be somehow jelatinous in nature.

How To Use.
Take a Teacup of this water morning and night. By the time, it is used for seven days the belly would have been reduced. This is a simple way of how to reduce the belly.

_Do you have sunburn, wrinkles and a rough face? OKRO can fix it for you.
_All you need is just Okro and Rose Water.
Put 4-5 Okra in a blender.
Add rose water and blend until smooth.
_Pour the mixture into a bowl.
Wash your face and neck and let it dry.
_Apply this mask on your face, let it sit for a few minutes.
_Rinse it off with cold water. Repeat it everyday and watch how your face will start becoming that face which you desire.
_You can preserve inside the fridge
*This mask will remove sunburn, wrinkles, decoloration and return the glow of your face.

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