Stats: 502523 members, | Posts: 1782 | Date:30th April 2024,




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( Natural and no side effect)

A handful of Akpi seed (Djansang)
1tsp Maca powder
1tsp Fenugreek powder/seed
15ml Vit E oil
50ml Organic olive oil

Blend the Akpi seed and Fenugreek seed (if you are using seed) separately and set aside

In a bowl or cup, Mix organic extra virgin olive oil and vit E oil, add fenugreek powder, Maca powder and the blended Akpi seed.

Double boil the mixture so the powders will infuse well or just Stir all well and keep in a dark place for a week or two.

Strain out the oil or leave it like that (for me I prefer leaving it like that)

This works for breasts too, makes it firm and perky.

*How it works*
It causes the release of Oestrogen and progesterone.

Oestrogen and progesterone are the hormones responsible for the growth or enlargement of the feminine coutures and contours.

So the presence of Fenugreek, Maca and Akpi seed will boost and cause the release of these hormones – Oestrogen and progesterone, thereby causing it to grow or enlarge.
This is exactly what happened to us in our Adolescent age/stage

How to use
You apply by massaging from down to the top of your buttt and hips, as if you are lifting it

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