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Wrong Way To Park Your Car That Will Damage Your Gearbox

By - - [ Education ]

*Wrong Way To Park Your Car That Will Damage Your Gearbox*

A wrong way to park an automatic transmission car can damage the gearbox and send you looking for a replacement sooner than is expected. This is a common mistake many drivers make on regular basis without knowing it. When the car is stopped many people push directly from *D* to *P* then apply the handbrake and turn off the engine. This parking is not correct. Pushing directly into the *P* gear puts the stress of the whole car on the *P* locking hole not on the handbrake. If you continue to do this for a long time, this will damage your gearbox.

The correct method is when the car is stopped, first push to the *N* gear and then apply the handbrake so that the force point of the car is on the handbrake. Next, push to the *P* gear then turn off the engine.

*I am aware many of us don’t know this and have been gradually damaging our vehicle gearbox without knowing it*

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