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I was raped in front of my husband and he want to divorce me because I enjoyed it

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*I was raped in front of my husband and he want to divorce me because I enjoyed it*
*My name is Kofo,I am a banker in my early 30’s am going through a messy divorce..I married my husband as a virgin,I have never been with any man but him until I was raped..I didn’t know anything about organism, climax or what have you because I have never experienced it*
*8 years of marriage with a miserable sex life,I have 2 children from my marriage..*
*It happened that we travelled to my husband village during easter period..While in his country home by 1am in the night, our house was raided by Armed Robbers…A gang of 7 members.*
*It was a very terrifying experience after collecting all the valuables at home,the leader turned to rape me. The leader tied my husband to a chair tore my clothes and went on to show me his man hood that he will use it on me.*
*I was frightened, I begged him and cried but he wouldn’t listen.. It was a rape that cause me my marriage… As the guy was entering me,I was suppose to feel pains but that wasn’t so..I felt a kind of electrifying sensation that I have never felt in my whole life.. I screamed OMG!!! As he started pounding on me. I didn’t know when i was holding him hard and begging him not to stop to the amazement of others,I was enjoying being raped by a criminal.*
*I was told I was screaming very hard when I wanted to cum..Yes,I had my first organism through rape and since then my life hasn’t been the same. The robber took me 2 rounds which I came both times. I don’t know what happened, if it was my village people that pursued me but all I can I say is that I haven’t had such with my husband. My husband gave me the beatings of my life after the robbers left.. He called me unprintable names ,I am a prostitute,he didn’t know i was an ashewo.*
*He can’t marry an Ashewo, I was hospitalized for 2 weeks as a result of that incidence and beatings.My husband left me at the hospital and traveled back to our home,I was damaged.. How could such a thing happen to me? Who was responsible for me enjoying being raped and even cumin as a result of it ? How could I even enjoy such act of cruelty on my body? These were the questions I kept asking myself. When I got discharged I met a divorced papers waiting for me to sign..i tried begging my husband, involve my parents but he swore not to let go.*
Questions :
1. *Is the husband right for taking such decisions?*
2. *Guys what do you think is the way forward for this couple?*
3. *Should they go their separate ways ?*
Your opinion?

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