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YOU WILL NOT DIE WHEN YOU SAY YOU ARE SORRY….read this now and learn

By - - [ Relationship and love ]


Don’t be too arrogant and proud to say sorry whenever you
offend someone no matter your status.

When you say you are sorry it will not be little you sir/ma
No matter the low status of the person you affended because
no body knows tomorrow.
Say you are sorry you will not die when you say so .

Stop pretending that you don’t know what you did to him/her
And don’t do it in a corny way because you felt you are higher
than him/her
Open up and do the right thing.

Save your friendship/relationships by doing so
If you continue like that,it can cause conflict between you and
your love ones.

Sorry softens the heart you broke and bring relieve to his
fainting soul
But when you do not do that,it might hurt the person to the
extent of taking his/her life.

Remember saying you are sorry will not remove one bar from
your life.

Say No to Mr /Mrs right
Say No to pride
Let love lead.

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